This month we’ll be celebrating 9 years of loglines here at Why not join us, and post your logline under the genre “Anniversary”! We will review it during a YouTube Live Event on 11 April, 9pm EDT (6pm PDT, ...
Logline It! Latest Articles
June Newsletter (minus the typos)
Karel SegersWe were going to hit 30,000 reviews… and then something else hit. I hope you have been keeping safe. When I emailed you back in March, we still had more than 300 reviews to go. This week it will finally ...
The Case For An Updated Formula
Karel Segers
Logliner MrLiteral has been criticising loglines that follow our recommended formula, which starts with: “When” + MAJOR EVENT (Inciting Incident). I was keen to understand his reasoning, and contacted him. In his response, he builds a strong case for revising ...