Series Title: Deal With The Devil
Genre: Supernatural Comedy, Satire
Comparables: Invader Zim
Pilot Episode: Corporate Inferno
Episode Logline: The demon (I haven’t figured out his name yet) tries to exploit corporate greed but inadvertently creates the most ethical company in America.
Premise: Inspired by Invader Zim as well as Chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel, the series follows an inept demon as he struggles to rise through the demonic ranks while trying to plot Satan’s downfall.
He is sent to America as punishment (the demons hate America due to the fact that it is the most Christian nation and therefore the demons have a lot more restrictions placed on them, basically it’s like a prison) where he tries to influence America through the tenents of cultural Marxism, but they end up backfiring.
The antagonist, a rival demon, actively sabotages his efforts, rises through the ranks, and finds favor with the prince of darkness.
This premise is fun. The logline can be tightened up a little bit, but I dig it.
I think the logline is good because I really get the concept and the comedy. If you in one word can add the personality or antics of the rival demon to make it more specific, it might create even more uniqueness, clarity (of their conflict) and comedy?