Title: FedUp
Genre(s): Comedy, Sitcom, Drama
Premise: At the airport, a fresh recruit joins a security company as a vendor contracted by an international shipping company. Navigating the absurdity of being ordered around by not just this shipping company, but also the Department of Homeland Security, TSA, FAA, U.S. Customs, and even the FBI, he quickly learns that everyone has different, often contradictory, rules. While waiting for his SIDA badge (which ironically requires him to be escorted even to the bathroom), he faces endless red tape and quirky co-workers.
When promoted to supervisor, his situation goes from frustrating to farcical. His team consists of a group of oddballs—some with uncontrollable bathroom issues, others who don’t speak English, and some who perpetually arrive four hours late on a continual basis. HR won’t let him fire anyone because their main goal is retention, resulting in more headaches. As the night shift grinds on, officers fall asleep, form cliques, and plot to fire those who try to enforce the rules, adding even more to the chaos.
Between bureaucratic red tape, absurd team dynamics, and an airport filled with conflicting rules, FedUp is a hilarious workplace comedy with a dash of airport drama.