In 2257, war rages on the planet Aria, a new colony for humanity in distress. The Anunnaki, more numerous and advanced, inflict heavy human and material losses on this planet. At the frontline base, Unitypoint, Sergeant Kane Killian and the soldiers of Bravo Company are on the front lines of the fight against this extraterrestrial race. From the frontline to dangerous missions, these soldiers face the realities of war, dealing with racism, vengeance, respect, and friendships.
In 2257, war rages on the planet Aria, a new colony for humanity in distress. The Anunnaki, more numerous and advanced, inflict heavy human and material losses on this planet. At the frontline base, Unitypoint, Sergeant Kane Killian and the soldiers of Bravo Company are on the front lines of the fight against this extraterrestrial race. From the frontline to dangerous missions, these soldiers face the realities of war, dealing with racism, vengeance, respect, and friendships.
This seems more like a synopsis than a logline. It is too long and focuses on unnecessary details that should not be a part of a logline. The logline loses focus of our main character (central POV), which I assume is Sergeant Kane Killian. I believe the exposition of the world is not necessary; it is only the conflicting force that goes up against our protagonist and his troops that should be the main focus. (the Anunnaki). The sort-out resolution of the characters is not clear either; how will they solve the invasion? Do they want to stop the invasion? How will they do it?