In the arid plains of the Far West of Aredon, we follow the adventures of Caleb “Lee” Leezard, a solitary bounty hunter in search of the origins of his strange power, and the powerful Baron Von Falkenrath who tries to seize it at any cost.
When a disciplined, solitary bounty hunter
learns his strange power originates from a greedy Baron, who is trying to seize it back at any cost,
he must now learn to integrate this power or for ever suffer a life of loneliness.
theme = solitary power leads to loneliness
protagonist’s want = to be alone
protagonist’s need = friendship
Consider adding a likablity trait to protagonist, suggestion might be positive qualities of a disciplined character.
Consider adding a negative trait to antagonist, suggestion might be greediness, for power in this case.
This logline contains Character, Plot, but no clear Theme. Consider how Character’s main goal and traits relate to a story message.