When a memory-wiped babysitter stumbles upon a bloodied photograph of a child in her home, she must seek clues to uncover the child’s identity before a lurking neighbour contacts the authorities.
Jeremy PalazzoloPenpusher
When a memory-wiped babysitter stumbles upon a bloodied photograph of a child in her home, she must seek clues to uncover the child’s identity before a lurking neighbour contacts the authorities.
When a resourceful, but forgetful young babysitter stumbles upon a bloodied photograph of another child while on caring duty,
she seeks clues to uncover this child’s identity.
But when a nosy neighbour contacts authorities,
she must take on adult responsibilities to protect the children, or risk further blood shed.
theme = individual responsibility leads to community well being
– consider a positive protagonist trait – “resourceful”?
– consider neighbour as the primary antagonist – maybe they are the murder?